A critical analysis of the X-ray photoelectron spectra of Ti3C2Tz MXenes
Interest in MXenes is quite high because of their potential a wide range applications. Although several have been discovered to date, most studies so far focused mainly on Ti3C2Tz. Given 2D nature and rich surface chemistry, XPS the preferred technique for analyzing compositions. To only four understanding fitting spectra Ti3C2Tx flakes. While there are commonalities between various protocols, also some inconsistencies that sown confusion. In this review, we summarize models proposed especially Ti3C2Tz propose new model based critical analysis previously published studies. We point out areas where more work needed better understand spectra. feel article will help researchers analyze data using other materials. Since discovery 2011, garnered worldwide interest. structure, surface, or termination, chemistries play vital role X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) one common characterization tools quantifying terminations overall chemistry. 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Open table tab C–Ti–F set 460.2 fluorinated TiF3.30Mousty-Desbuquoit Riga Verbist J.J. titanium(III) titanium(IV) halides studied solid-phase x-ray spectroscopy.Inorg. 1987; 26: 1212-1217Crossref (29) around 459.3 (ΔTi2p = 5.6 eV) 1) were TiO2 TiO2-xF2x oxides, respectively, formed degradation/oxidation ambient air water. Note assumed originate flakes themselves, but oxyfluorides. same assumption below. Irrespective present, high-resolution associated appear narrow ≈281.9–282.0 1B, signal originates residing octahedra. rest contamination introduced during air. synthesized F-ion-containing acids check calibration As discussed below, exceptions.. 1C, 1), 531.2 532.0 –O –OH Three 529.9 532.8 533.8 to, TiO2, Al2O3, adsorbed interlayer water, Contributions C–O, C=O, –COOH, etc. adventitious tend overlap described earlier, estimation difficult probably leading overestimation C–Ti–F, AlFx, Al(OF)x 685.0, 685.3, 686.4, 688.3 With 38% total photoemission attributed itself, majority aforementioned impurities. Henceforth, referred Fit-I. al.26Persson model. crystal sites occupy.26Persson dealing spectra, differentiated C–Ti–(O,F), C–Ti–F\F\F. notation, henceforth, separated “\” present. C–Ti–O\O\O corresponds octahedra 3 vertices. notation C–Ti–(O,F) mixed terminations.26Persson Their density theory (DFT) Khazaei al.31Khazaei Arai Sasaki Chung C.-Y. Venkataramanan N.S. Estili Sakka Kawazoe Novel nitrides.Adv. Funct. 2013; 2185-2192Crossref (922) who thermodynamically favorable surfaces: occupying positions above central (so-called FCC sites) B right below (Figures 2E ). C–Ti–F\F\F 455.9 456.9 2C, 2). just noted, distinguish C–Ti–O\F\F configurations, constant Also, no oxide included authors scanned after washing minimal exposure air.Table 2Summary (eV)Assigned (2p1/2)455.1 (461.2)0.7 (1.4)C–Ti–O\O\O455.9 (462.0)1.1 (1.9)C–Ti–(O, F)456.9 (463.0)1.1 (1.9)C–Ti–F\F\FC 1s282.00.64Ti–C–Ti284.31.3C–C285.21.3CHx286.41.3C–OHO 1s529.90.89C–Ti–O (bridging)531.31.2C–Ti–O (A site)531.91.6–2.3C–Ti–O/F site)F 1s684.51.0C–Ti–F685.41.0C–Ti–O, FThe 10% brackets.26Persson summary annealing 200°C. 2. bridging sites, third co-absorbed –F sites. respective energies 531.3, 529.9, 531.9 2B, Similarly, observed 684.5 685.4 co-adsorbed 2A, Similar Fit-I, 282.0 flakes; contaminations. henceforth Fit-II. Schultz al.17Schultz measured heating 3). 3G) C–Ti–C, C–Ti–O, 455.2 5.9 eV), 456.2 5.4 457.3, 3G, bonded (i.e., Ti2 3B), second pure 3G). made octahedrally ones closer surfaces. differentiation trivial, say least.Table 3Summary (2p1/2)455.2 (461.1)Ti–C456.2 (461.6)Ti–O457.3 (462.7)Ti–FC 1s281.9Ti–C–Ti284.9C–C286.2C–O288.9C=OO 1s529.8C–Ti–O (bridge)531.6C–Ti–O (A/B site)532.5C–O533.4C=O533.8adsorbed H2O C–Ti–OHF 1s685.2C–Ti–F687.1F contaminationSample Ti3AlC2 LiF + HCl mixture. Numbers brackets column locations outside brackets.17Schultz correspond collected RT. 3. Sample 529.8, 531.6, 3H), A/B 3B 3C), OH claimed
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عنوان ژورنال: Matter
سال: 2021
ISSN: ['2604-7551']
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matt.2021.01.015